So recently I decided once again to play around with a friend's Canon 1100d DSLR and my telescope to see what images I could capture. Unfortunately I had a couple of issues; I couldn't get the mount properly set up so star drift was bad and the clouds came across meaning I couldn't take more than a couple of .
However, thanks to the joys of Adobe Photoshop I was able to at least get something to show for my hard work. My first image was of Messier 13 also known as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules.
This is basically just a single 30 second exposure taken at ISO 1600 and there was some pretty bad star trailing but I did some work to remove that. It does seem to be rather blue but it is obviously a Globular Cluster and I am curious to know what I could manage with multiple exposures and a better set up mount.
My second object I imaged is Messier 57 which is also known as the Ring Nebula.
This is an even weaker image than what I managed of Messier 13 as it is only a 15 second exposure and the star trailing was even worse. However, I was pretty happy about it as I just took the 15 second shot as a quick trial before the clouds came in and I suspect I can get much better in the future.